Cyclone Alfred: Tenants guide and helpful information

Cyclone Alfred: Tenants guide and helpful information

Cyclone Alfred: Tenants guide and helpful information

Cyclone Alfred is making it's way towards Brisbane and is predicted to produce damaging or destructive wind gusts and isolated heavy rainfall which may cause flash flooding from late Wednesday through until the weekend. Remain alert to emerging weather patterns by monitoring the Bureau of Meterorology website at and local media.

Preparing for a Cyclone

  • We would recommend walking around your property, secure loose items, bring in furniture/ prevent anything from becoming dangerous IE: trampolines flying up the road
  • Stock up on essential items: water, pasta, canned food (baked beans), torch and batteries, first aid kit

Some potential issues could include:

  • No electricity: you can check the Energex Outage Finder to find out if it's wider than your home. You can also check if it may be caused from a faulty appliance which throws the safety circuit. If you experience any issues, please contact your Property Manager. 
  • No hot water: potentially due to power outages, please be mindful of this and call your Property Manager if you experience issues.
  • Local flooding: please don't risk driving through any flooded roads, if you have any flooding issues please immediately contact your Property Manager. 
  • Roof leaks: please report any issues to your Property Manager.
  • Fallen trees/or property damage: please report any issues to your Property Manager

Emergency contact numbers:

  • Emergency: 000
  • SES: 13 25 00 (for instance if your roof is being blown off or major flooding please call SES)
  • Energex Emergency: 13 19 62 (power outages/electrical hazards/ fallen powerlines)

Office numbers:

  • Rentals team: 0455 907 772
  • Property management team: 0421 351 220
  • Gold Coast team: 0478 131 782
  • Office line: 07 3255 2668 (diverts outside business hours)
  • Main email to report any issues with photos if possible: [email protected] 

Our office will be closed Thursday 6th March and Friday 7th March but staff will be working remotely, please keep an eye on our social pages for further posts/updates. 

Please take care over the next week, if it's flooded do not risk driving through. Stay safe!

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